If you have held a professional or management job and are no longer employed or have received your notice, this workshop is for you.
The subjects will include dealing with the emotional issues of your job being made redundant, what is needed to create a personal brand as you re-enter the job market, many of you after quite a few years. It will also provide resume and interviewing tips and financial management advice for how to survive the transition period. We will also talk about the non-corporate opportunities, such as short term consulting or setting up your own company and the pros and cons of such an approach.
These practical sessions will be offered complementary to those executives and professionals that are in transition. Companies that have laid off staff or are contemplating additional layoffs or outplacement firms can sponsor each session within the workshop at $1000 per session and are free to disseminate information about the free sessions to their displaced management employees.
We will be posting the detailed schedule later today, but mark both days on your calendar now. You can attend just a single session in each workshop or you can attend them all.
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